It is a game application that you can play easily in a short time. Lets listen to various items every day!
-----------------------------------------◆◇シリーズ累計300万DL突破!◆◇-----------------------------------------■世界初の耳かきゲームアプリが登場!『毎日の耳かき』は、あの耳かきを短時間で手軽に遊べる世界初のゲームアプリです。耳の中からアイテムを発掘するワクワク感が味わえます。毎日耳かきして、いろんなアイテムをゲットしよう!■ゲーム説明竹製の棒の先についたふさふさした綿(ボンテン)を動かして、気持ち良い場所を探ろう!深く入れすぎると痛いから注意!お花畑が見えたらアイテム発掘のチャンス!耳毛やよく分からない生き物たちの攻撃を上手に避けながら外へと引き上げよう!時にはレアアイテムが採れることも!?■レアアイテムをゲットしたらTwitterでつぶやこう!『毎日の耳かき』は今まで取ったアイテムの累計や最大重量が記録されたり、見つけたレアアイテムが図鑑にコンプリートされたりと、毎日遊んでも飽きない要素がたくさん!Twitterでつぶやいて自慢できます!■“謎のアイテム”が手に入る!?普通の耳かきでは手に入らない“謎のアイテム”も登場!どうやったら入手できるのか?果たして彼らは何者なのか?入手できたら自慢ができちゃう、ちょっとした謎解きが楽しめます!■驚異の新機能!みみげ落下モード!耳に住む謎のいきもの“みみげちゃん”をゲットしたとき、わざと落下させると新ゲームが開始されます!耳の中を落下していくとそこには・・・!?■ウンチクをコンプリート?みみげ落下モードで謎のイキモノがつぶやくウンチクが図鑑に記録できるようになりました。ウンチクは全部で300種類!目指せウンチク王!■あの三半規管ちゃんにライバル登場!?みみげ落下モードで、三半規管ちゃんのライバルが登場!?耳の奥から現れるのはいったいどっちだ!?----------------------------------------------◆ 累計 Series cumulative 3 million DL breakthrough! ◆ ◇----------------------------------------------■ The worlds first ear-picking game app has appeared!"Early Earpick" is the worlds first game app that lets you play that earpick easily in a short time.You can enjoy the exciting feeling of excavating items from your ears. Lets pick up every day and get various items!■ Game descriptionMove the fluffy cotton (bonten) attached to the end of a bamboo stick to find a pleasant place! Because it hurts if you put it too deeply!If you see the flower garden, there is a chance of finding items! Lets pull out while well avoiding the attack of ear hair and unknown creatures! Sometimes rare items can be taken! ?■ Lets tweet on Twitter once you get rare items!“Early Earpick” records the total weight and maximum weight of the items taken so far, and the rare items found are completed in the pictorial book, and there are many elements that do not get bored even playing every day!Tweet on Twitter and you can boast!■ "Mysterious items" are available! ?"Mysterious items" that can not be obtained with ordinary earpicks also appear!How can I get it? Who are they?Once you get it, you can boast about it, and you can enjoy solving a little mystery!■ amazing new features! Mimage falling mode!When you get the mystery creature “Mimige-chan” that lives in your ears, a new game will start if you drop it on purpose! If you fall in the ear there ... ?■ Complete Unchik?In the Mimige Fall mode, uncles with mysterious myths can now be recorded in the illustrated book.There are 300 kinds of unchik! Aim for Unchik!■ Rival appearance to that three-and-three-kisu! ?In the Mimige fall mode, rivals of Sankyu Kanuka appeared! ?What comes out of the back of your ears is one of them! ?不具合を修正いたしました。
The game that set off my love of Japanese mobile weirdness! How could I ask for anything more? This is a masterpiece of epic ridiculosity, and will never get uninstalled. If you've never had the insane pleasure of Japanese games, do yourself a favor and download this. You may never play games in English again- once you go bakage, everything else looks like kusoge. Thank you Liica, my phone has been a joy since you came into my life!
For an old version
it is horrible I font understand the langue it is in
I complete all 11 pages today!!!
it deserves 5 stars.
everything is great until i got the little animal and played the little animail bonus level. the game died the moment i touched the coins. it closed the game automatically its really disappointing! i really liked this game! i want to play the bonus level plz fix
it's fun to play and see the funny result
Lot of fun to get someone's earwax, hard to imagine 6.? Kg earwax in real, gross but addictive. A lot of guessing because I don't know Japanese work it out at the end. Dig a big earwax out to get reward
I wish it were in English so could understand.